Community News
Your VOICE! AlpenaSocial.com is a safe online community portal connected to everything Alpena.
This beautiful town Now has a Beautiful place to find everything Alpena! Visiters and Tourists are welcome!
Alpena citizens! if you are tired of the drain of Mainstream Social media! This is a community based Social environment with no data mining and NO POLITICAL agenda!

We have paid for this entire Sites Hosting and Development out of our own pockets for the last 2 years, We are happy to Say it will be released to the public soon!
We would like to get a Native Branded app for Alpena to use.
But that costs allot of money.
We will continue to develop this for the community at my expense. If you'd like to see this added or would like to donate to the cause of having this community for life. Update: App is being made! Yay.
click the link below.